August 31, 2011

It begins.

Dating is a rocky road full of unexpected results. Men are seemingly simple creatures, but underneath that typical layer of 'guy-ness' there lies a deeper more intricate layer that confuses most women who reach it. No amount of effort ever seems to uncover the mystery lying there, and so despite men's complaint that women are "impossible to understand", little do they realize the same goes for them. Everywhere you turn you'll hear anecdotes and sayings that are used to try and assist the understanding of men-folk (or make excuses for them).

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. If a man answers, hang up. He's just not that into you. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

As entertaining as these all are, they rarely give us any true understanding of the realm of machismo surrounding us. Obviously men and women are both from Earth, not a faraway planet. If a man answers, why would you hang up the phone if you're trying to keep his interest in you a positive one? Yah, maybe he isn't that into you, but man some of them are good at faking it, so how do you know? The stomach is totally not connected to his heart, that's just stupid. Or is it? After all, food is a necessary fuel for human beings, one that gives your body the energy to do things like oh... say, pump your heart. Yah yah I know technically your brain does that, but you've gotta keep it all alive somehow right? 
Let's explore this further, shall we? After all, if the way to a man's heart is really through his stomach, indirectly or not, then why not give them all some well deserved heartburn?

Join us as we explore the world of men, dating, and how food can help you (or hurt you) in learning to understand your man. Or any man.

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